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How Is It Done?

Introductory Visit

Discussion of the process & style

Life Memories are not about genealogy. They capture an in-depth emotive recollection of your most important experiences, thoughts, perceptions and feelings, told in stories and conversations that have created the person you are.

Having determined which option you prefer, whether a simple recording of a structured conversation, or a high-quality book derived from several interviews-we establish the style, focus and time span. I discuss the process, including the discussion guide I will be giving you, and the collection of photos and memorabilia.

The discussion guide includes questions that will help you prepare some notes on topics you would like to include, including specific themes of your own. This means that, rather than relying on memory you could for example check dates and places with other family members before our interviews start.

There is no need to provide lots of information, we will explore the detail when we conduct the recordings. You will have at least 3 weeks to complete this before we start the recording session/s.

I will show you some books and box examples and explain the different book choice formats, so your Life Memories Book is truly personalised to your requirements.


Conversations are conducted in the comfort in your own home. I record these sessions so I have an accurate record of the interviews. To gain quality recordings, we will need a room with minimal noise (and if video, plenty of light).

We audio record up to five hours of conversation, organised as several interviews, at times to suit you over an approximate six-week period. The time frame allows time for reflection, noting any key thoughts you want to discuss in the next session.

The interviews are very relaxed and use a broad spectrum of questions which reflect the discussion guide.


The aim of Life Memories is to be a celebration of your life, concentrating on the times that have given you pleasure and joy. More challenging times may of course also be mentioned as a context to other times.

To enable a productive output, the interviews are a flowing conversation centred around your experiences, recollections, stories, outlooks and perceptions of life within a guided framework covering childhood and current times.

It triggers memories of pleasurable times with family and friends and I am told, is a very enjoyable part of the process.

Recording of Interviews


Sound quality is superior with digital recorders. We use two recorders just in case one decides to be temperamental.

There may be minor edits and I will edit aspects that may be controversial within the family, as this Life Memories Book/recording is a celebration of someone’s life.

Quality Matters

In both packages, we include an unedited video of approximately 15 minutes of one of the interviews. Although it requires a quiet area with plenty of light to create a quality recording, the camcorder will be statically placed on a tripod, so no need to worry about a cameraman directing a movie.


It is a snippet of one of the recordings - a visual representation of the person/s being interviewed so that future generations can appreciate the appearance of the person.


Photographs & Documents act as a memory stimulus

Adding colour and interest to the Video Chronicle and Life Memories Book

For the Life Memories books options, we select photos, letters, postcards, recipes, press cuttings that can also be scanned and included within the narrative. This helps bring your most important memories to life, adding interest, impact and colour to the book, and can be collected between interview sessions.

Usually they will be taken back to the office to be scanned but if this is a problem, I can scan them in your home. Artefacts, ornaments or things of interest can also be photographed. A maximum of 100 will be incorporated within the Life Memories Book.

For the printed books they will be placed at as different sizes within the layout of the book and approved by yourself at a proof session when they are combined with the narrative. Our designer will enhance the quality of the photos and documents so they are ready for printing in the book. Please note this is a differing level of editing to preparing photos for photo books.

1930s Leven - Grandad, Charlie and George - The Bikers.jpg
hayfield 1.JPG
1957 Lodon - Alison & Penny.jpg
3 (1).jpg
1914 - Grandad _ Durice Foundry Fife.jpg


Good things are worth the wait

The creation of your Life Memories Book should not be rushed. It typically takes four months after the introductory visit to finish The Heritage option and six months for the Dual Heritage option. The book requires considerable effort: editing, analysing, transcripts and recording and assembling multiple interviews, photograph enhancement, professional proofreading, layout, design and printing.


Writing Stage

The recordings are transcribed to ensure your personality shines from the writing-generating a style which reflects how you speak and captures the essence of who you are within your Life Memories Book. Written in the first-person, this is a complex and time-consuming process, where themes and experiences are selected, analysed, ordered and presented in an interesting and impactful way. Expertise is in translating informal verbal language into the written word. "When I read his Life Memories Book it really does sound like he is talking, I can recognise some of the phrases and the ways he talks, priceless.”

Tweaking Stage

I tweak the narrative to ensure no missing details and that anything sensitive is conveyed in an appropriate way. It is sent to a professional proof reader for any necessary adaptations. You will be sent a word proof to read and make changes where necessary. If required, this can be aided by another family member. When you have made any changes and it is fully approved there will be no more changes to the narrative.

We will have accumulated the photos/documents and scanned images for your book to enhance and add interest to the narrative. The designer will do their magic editing any photos where necessary. They will fuse these with the narrative text to create an attractive layout to ensure your Life Memories Book has maximum impact and is ready for print.


Final Proof Stage

The final version will be sent to you to look at and approve. At this stage the book will be signed off and then sent to the printer in the agreed format and title.

Print & Book Delivery

This is the exciting bit when the book is sent to be printed.

You will be notified of the delivery time (usually a week depending on time of year) and have a chance to order extra copies of the book.

Don’t worry if you want to order more once they have been printed as we can arrange for more to be printed afterwards, but it is more cost effective to order a larger amount at the first print run.

The books will be delivered to you and all that needs to happen is for you and your family to enjoy the fruits of your labour.


I'd like a Lifetime Memories Book

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